Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tears for[sic] a clown


Minnesota may never live down the election of this 'clown' -- I use that term advisedly, as I haven't considered Franken funny for many years (if ever). Like other well known funny-men of leftist leanings (can you say Garrison Keillor or Bill Maher?) , Franken has descended into a spiral of angry political vitriol (and in his own twist to the comic denouement, physical outbursts) and spittle. His topics span a wide spectrum from the pornographic to the mocking (of Christians, of course - a popular scapegoat in the current 'civil' discourse of the left).

The only reason one might watch or listen to one of his rants is that irrational, hypnotic effect of watching a train wreck -- you're afraid to look away for fear you will miss the big 'crash'.

Well, Minnesota has further cemented its political schizophrenia by creating a vote tally close enough to be fudged ("How many votes do you need, Al? We can deliver!"*) -- and, in so doing, forcing the rest of the nation to watch OUR train wreck.

*Yes, We Can!

Alas, we get the government we deserve, don't we?

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