seems that purchasing private insurance may NOT be allowed under the proposed healthcare bill. (Surprise, surprise -- buried gems in the 1000+ pages our elected representatives will likely be voting on -- but probably not reading -- very soon.) Software programmers call these 'Easter Eggs' (Or, perhaps in this case, better dubbed 'Donkey Droppings'?) -- hidden tricks and novelty items that you have to go looking for (or possibly stumble across by accident), buried within programs. What a clever touch.
Thank goodness the nanny-state safety net will be there to save us from those greedy insurers!
Enter Joltin' Joe Biden to clarify things...“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you.”
Well, if that line of reasoning is correct, at the rate we're spending, we're going to be rich!! (Vegas, anyone?)
Even the director of the CBO (that's Congressional Budget Office, if you're reading this in Anoka -- or France) warns that the current federal budget is "unsustainable". And as our current population bubble (aka the Baby Boomers) ages and leaves the work force, there will be a shrinking work force to shoulder the burden of the debt we are creating today. Our children -- and our children's children will stagger under the weight of it.
Beware. When Congress and the Administration become hell-bent on rushing 1000+ page bills to a vote (transparency? what?) without so much as allowing ANYONE the chance to READ those bills or even contemplate/debate the most economical ways of funding their lunacy -- a little voice in your head should be screaming until your teeth rattle. Tea Party, anyone?
Question of the day:
Which one makes YOU feel safer?
1)The Nanny-state safety net
2)The People's Republic of China purchasing our ever-growing debt
It's getting harder to tell the difference...
"The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles."('Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal' 1966)
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