Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Race Card AGAIN? Really?

The article quoted below seems to demonstrate how quickly some people STILL deal the race card from the bottom of the deck. I have interjected some of my observations in [brackets] interspersed throughout.

July 23, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC – President Barack Obama said Wednesday that police acted “stupidly” in the arrest of prominent black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and that despite racial progress blacks and Hispanics are still singled out unfairly for arrest.

“This still haunts us,” Obama said.

Obama called Gates a friend, and said he doesn’t know all the facts of the case. [ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO ADDRESS AN ISSUE YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ON A NATIONAL STAGE. "I wasn't there, I don't know the facts, but here's my opinion..." Gee, sounds like those public opinion polls that we all love: "Do you believe the United States has the capability to intercept all emails?" Well, let me see...does it matter if I believe it or not -- even if I know nothing about the United States' capabilities? Apparently, no. I will, henceforth, try not to hold back from holding forth on things I know nothing about!] Nonetheless, Obama said, anyone would have been angry if treated the way Gates claims police in Cambridge, Mass., treated him. Gates, a Harvard University professor, claims he was arrested in his home after showing ID to police who responded to a report of a possible burglary.

“Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof he was in own home,” Obama said during a prime-time news conference that otherwise focused on the health care debate.

Gates’ arrest followed a report of a possible burglary. A woman apparently saw Gates force the front door and called police. Police came and demanded that Gates show identification. Gates was arrested shortly afterward for alleged disorderly conduct, a charge that was dropped Tuesday.

“What I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately,” Obama said. “That’s just a fact.” [Disproportionately? Dare we say that many police stops are the result of 911 calls -- and that those stops are conducted on the basis of the suspect description given by the caller? Would it be more "fair" if, after the report of a burglar leaving the scene of a crime, that officers be more careful to stop a wide variety of persons -- even if they don't fit the description of the suspect -- just to 'even things out'?]

That disparity is a reminder that “race remains a factor in the society,” Obama said. [ I THOUGHT WE GOT OVER THIS WITH THE ELECTION LAST NOVEMBER…?!?! Race remains a factor only if you continue to mention it and use it as a bludgeon -- otherwise, can we just get on with the business at hand, please? You work hard, I work hard, and the chips fall where they may.]

The nation’s first black president held himself up as testament to what he called the “incredible progress” minorities have achieved. [AND NOW, MR. PRESIDENT, WHAT LOFTIER GOALS ARE LEFT TO ACHIEVE SO THAT WE CAN “BREAK THE CYCLE” OF RACISM?? Can we not finally acknowledge that your qualifications to do ANYTHING have no more to do with the color of your skin than the type of car you drive?]

The police sergeant accused of racism after he arrested Gates insisted Wednesday that he won’t apologize.

Police say Gates at first refused to display ID and then accused the officer of racism. [The racism here seems to be jumping to the immediate conclusion that you are being discriminated against because of racism -- and not being dealt with firmly for the outrageousness of your behavior and lack of civility. Everyone needs to step back and look at situations like this objectively -- there are consequences for behavior, bad or otherwise. We contribute nothing to the discussion if we continually blame others for the consequences that befall us at our own hands (or mouths).]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


GOP seeks investigation of Ellison pilgrimage

Group That Funded Rep. Ellison's Pilgrimage to Mecca Called a Front for Extremism

It seems unlikely that anything Ellison could do would anger his constituency enough to oust him. After all, he represents Minnesota's 5th Congressional District - a Democratic stronghold that easily overlooked his past ties to the "Nation of Islam" -- ties he sought (unconvincingly) to distance himself from during the campaign. Ever the victim, he lamented the fact that questions around his campaign focused on his past instead of on the issues. Boo hoo.

Now we are asked to overlook his pilgrimage -- paid for by yet another dubious group with whom Ellison has associated himself (the Muslim American Society of MN) -- and, seemingly, flaunting Congressional rules about receiving/reporting gifts in doing so.

(Of the MAS, Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism has said it "was created actually as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a worldwide Islamic extremist organization that was started in 1920s...It has actually had some of its staffers convicted of terrorism, including Ismail Royer , convicted of waging war against the United States.")

Prediction: Another typhoon in a teapot -- Democratic colleagues and supporters will continue to paint Ellison as a voice of moderation and any Congressional action would likely amount to a figurative slap on the wrist (after all, our President has his own dubious associations, does he not?). Further anecdotal proof that you don't need a good excuse -- you just need the right cloud of apologists.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone -- oh, sorry, mixing my extremist metaphors again...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Living at the Edge of Catastrophe

Newt Gingrich – We Are Living

At The Edge Of Catastrophe

On Monday, former Speaker Gingrich made an important speech about the nature of the threat we are living under -- good to remind ourselves of during these days of distraction: health care "reform", Cap and Tax, Bailout 2.0, etc. None of these issues will mean anything if the United States fails to defend itself from those who would destroy it -- whether from within or without.

As Abraham Lincoln said, "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and
finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

We would do well to remember that suicide is not always an overt action -- it can also be the lack thereof.

Semper fi

Friday, July 17, 2009

TGIF -- sit back and watch...Crowder takes on Canadian health care.
(20 minutes folks, so head calls are in order) Watch carefully -- this could be us soon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Safety net?

First, a little addendum to the last post (a post-post script?): seems that purchasing private insurance may NOT be allowed under the proposed healthcare bill. (Surprise, surprise -- buried gems in the 1000+ pages our elected representatives will likely be voting on -- but probably not reading -- very soon.) Software programmers call these 'Easter Eggs' (Or, perhaps in this case, better dubbed 'Donkey Droppings'?) -- hidden tricks and novelty items that you have to go looking for (or possibly stumble across by accident), buried within programs. What a clever touch.

Thank goodness the nanny-state safety net will be there to save us from those greedy insurers!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The new Health Care Plan ... simplified

Now that I've taken a close look at this, it makes perfect sense, don't you agree? Ha!

What would possess anyone to believe that government (ours -- or anyone's) can provide health care at a level equal to/surpassing the level of care that is provided by the American private sector? Anyone? (crickets chirping)

Witness the myriad stories around the internet documenting the ineptitudes of Canadian, British, or [insert name of country here] government sponsored health care -- and the governments' cost saving measures (e.g., delays for diagnosis/treatment that virtually guarantee the death of seriously ill patients before they can obtain so much as an appointment. Cost savings, right?). Do we really want bureaucrats deciding who gets treatment -- and on what timetable? Wouldn't you prefer a DOCTOR to make those recommendations?

It is an absurdity to blindly push forward and propose that WE can do it right when citizens of those other countries further along the socialized medicine curve are sounding a clarion warning to those who would follow (i.e., us -- U.S.)? (Granted, they probably have a selfish motive in wanting to preserve their last best hope - American medicine. How un-enlightened of them.)

Did any of those other countries introduce socialized medicine with the promise "we'll choose who gets treatment and who doesn't" or "the US is nice this time of year...take a vacation and get the treatment you require along the way"? No, their citizens likely signed on for a trip to Pleasure Island with the clear-eyed innocence of Pinocchio -- only to find that, in the end, they are now sprouting donkey-ears.

This is a gamble we can't win -- let your elected representatives and senators know that America can't afford the bill for such an undertaking, nor can we afford the cost to humanity in losing the shining beacon of American ingenuity and advancement in medicine that would surely follow.

Sign the petition below and pass it on -- for yourself, for your family.

Be Strong. Stay Safe. Semper Fi.

"Who is John Galt?" Ayn Rand, 1957

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tears for[sic] a clown

Minnesota may never live down the election of this 'clown' -- I use that term advisedly, as I haven't considered Franken funny for many years (if ever). Like other well known funny-men of leftist leanings (can you say Garrison Keillor or Bill Maher?) , Franken has descended into a spiral of angry political vitriol (and in his own twist to the comic denouement, physical outbursts) and spittle. His topics span a wide spectrum from the pornographic to the mocking (of Christians, of course - a popular scapegoat in the current 'civil' discourse of the left).

The only reason one might watch or listen to one of his rants is that irrational, hypnotic effect of watching a train wreck -- you're afraid to look away for fear you will miss the big 'crash'.

Well, Minnesota has further cemented its political schizophrenia by creating a vote tally close enough to be fudged ("How many votes do you need, Al? We can deliver!"*) -- and, in so doing, forcing the rest of the nation to watch OUR train wreck.

*Yes, We Can!

Alas, we get the government we deserve, don't we?